Monday 23 May 2011

The Food Snob

Ok so I was just researching a bit for this article I'm writing and I came across this article.
I don't know why it got me fuming so much. While the writing is ok and even interesting in bits, there is an inherent snobbery in almost all views and opinions 'propounded' by this author. The worst part of it is that he writes in a manner which proclaims his confidence about the 'universal truth' of his opinions. Sorry, Mr.Writer, you need to be talking to more people and visiting more places before you come out with something as ignorant and pompous such as this. And while I won't go line-by-line in order to prove him wrong, I am itching to contradict this well-known food ‘expert’ (read snob) on one of the points he made in the article. I would like to inform him that the beauty of Indian cuisine lies in the whole, and not in the individual. Oh, I just cannot tolerate food snobs.

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